Bringing Interactivity into the Church!

The MyFlock Experience

Interactivity is what makes your MyFlock site unique. MyFlock was born out of a ministry in a local church and has grown to enhance ministries across the globe.

Here's the typical process that churches using the MyFlock system experience:

  1. You create a MyFlock site online. The process takes only a couple of minutes and a link to your newly created site is emailed to you instantly
  2. You begin the process by customizing your site by choosing a design and beginning to populate the content on your site. What's neat is that you can copy and paste the material from your existing church web site or another source. You can literally get your site up and populated in just a few minutes.
  3. You upload a list of your church current members into the system. Your members will be automatically sent a welcome email with a link to the online community. The email has their login information to begin interacting on the site.
  4. Members go to your site and login and begin to complete their online profile. As they complete the profile, they have the option of alerting other members of their updated profile. The system will send other members an email asking them to get to know that member with a link to their profile. This is when the site becomes very viral as one member, then another, then litterally within a day or so, most of your members are interacting online.
  5. As your members are updating their profile, they are also updating and populating the church member records.
  6. You can then plan and execute your communication tools to keep your members up to date with the church newsletter, email blasts, etc.


Thriving ministries today are excelling in 3 areas:

  • An up-to-date, relevant, professional church web site
  • Equipping members to interact beyond the Sunday Service
  • State of the art church and member management

With MyFlock, you will excel in each of these areas because they are integrated and easy to use!

Now integrated with Facebook!